bribe", decreasing minimum amount of bribery and enlarging scope of application of pecuniary penalty, etc.主要包括履行缔约国义务,扩大“贿赂”的范围,降低受贿罪的起点数额和扩大罚金刑的适用范围等。The objective factors of bribery guilt which mainly discusses the conforming of taking advantage of official advantages, the scope of bribe takers and where about the illicit money.五是受贿罪的客观方面,主要对“利用职务上的便利”的认定,受贿对象的范围,赃款去向等问题进行了探讨。The new criminal law bill for amendment to mediated the bribe the concerned requirements to have the new adjustment. It expands this crime's subject of crime scope.新的刑法修正案(七)对斡旋受贿的有关规定作了新的修正,扩大了这一罪的犯罪主体范围。。bribe scope相关词组,bribe scope是什么意思,bribe scope的用法,bribe scope的意思,bribe scope的例句,bribe scope的中文意思,bribe scope用法及例句等信息,希望对您的学习有所帮助!" />
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It mainly includes fulfilling the obligations of signatory states, enlarging sphere of "bribe", decreasing minimum amount of bribery and enlarging scope of application of pecuniary penalty, etc.


The objective factors of bribery guilt which mainly discusses the conforming of taking advantage of official advantages, the scope of bribe takers and where about the illicit money.


The new criminal law bill for amendment to mediated the bribe the concerned requirements to have the new adjustment. It expands this crime's subject of crime scope.


"bribe scope"的基本信息





